Confused web developer

Confused web developer

web developer career good or bad?

As i am starting my journey as a web developer, i am not sure what will be in next six months but i have no other way. I have no money for fulfillment our general expenses. In our joint family, my father, mother, brothers, sister, my wife, my son, my uncle, my aunt, my grandfather and my grandmother have many expectations to me. they does not demanded money to me but they want that i do work to stand on my feet. I have no idea that what becomes life of a web developer. Many people says that every new time you will have to learn new technologies to stand as a web developer in the industry.

sometimes i think that my work will be helpful for the world...or after some time my work will be boring for me. I don't know that i am something or nothing.

But it is a very good platform that everything which i write on the web i think it will reach easily to many of people in the world..